19Jun Most Sophisticated Smart Lighting Trial yet Hits UK Streets

One of the most advanced Smart City systems ever to be trialled in the UK is about to be tested in streetlights in Essex.

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14Jun Li-Fi Tested in US Subway Terrorist Attack Scenario

The durability of Li-Fi, the system that delivers an internet service via the lights, has been tested during a terrorist attack drill in the United States.

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01Jun Finnish 5G IoT Lighting Trial aims at Property Management

A trial installation of Internet connected indoor lighting in Finland hopes to establish how combining intelligent LEDs with next-generation 5G mobile networks can help facility managers better operate their buildings

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24Apr Spokane Intelligently Lights its Roads

Controls company Echelon has installed a trial roadway LED lighting system in Spokane that uses onsite intelligent cameras to detect traffic patterns and adjust illumination accordingly, without tapping remote information.

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